Anti-âge, affirmez votre différence

Filling and reshaping

The DERMAFILL injectable range is able to answer all your ageing needs: facial volume loss, deep wrinkles, superficial wrinkles, face reshaping…

The forehead+

Forehead wrinkles, whether those horizontal or vertical lines between the eyebrows (called “lion’s wrinkles” or glabellar lines) are expression wrinkles caused by muscle contraction of these zones. These wrinkles always give a look stressed or severe.

Lion’s wrinkles

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]

volume_ultra global_xtra

Dermafill Volume Ultra or Dermafill Global Xtra

They will reduce wrinkles by filling it with the gel.

The horizontal lines

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]

volume_ultra global_xtra

DERMAFILL Volume Ultra or DERMAFILL Global Xtra

The look+

The contour of the eye is quickly affected by aging because the skin is very thin and fragile. It gradually appears :

Crow’s-feet wrinkles

These are the wrinkles located at the corner of the eyes. They first appear only when you laugh or smile and then become more pronounced with age.

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]

volume_ultra global_xtra

DERMAFILL Volume Ultra or DERMAFILL Global Xtra

The nose+

We can correct nose irregularities without esthetic surgery, including diminish the appearance of the bump at the dorsum (nose profile).

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]


DERMAFILL Volume Ultra

The naso labial fold+

The nasolabial fold is a fold which start on he wing of the nose and goes to the corner of the mouth. This fold tends to increase with age and gives a tired look.

To fill the nasolabial fold is often a part of a global facial rejuvenation. This is the reason why it is common to also fill the marionette lines and cheekbones which tend to decrease.

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]

volume_ultra global_xtra

DERMAFILL Volume Ultra or DERMAFILL Global Xtra

To fill this fold allows to reduce its appearance and make it disappear by restoring volume to the skin. The face looks younger, the look is softened.

The peri-oral area+

The mouth is constantly moving. Repeated muscle contractions and pressure are responsible for the gradual appearance of expression lines.

Vertical wrinkles

These are wrinkles which govertically from the lips. They appear with age, but they are more pronounced for smokers.

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]



Bitterness fold

They are oblique folds which start at the corner of the mouth and running down to the chin. They make you sad.

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]

volume_ultra global_xtra

DERMAFILL Volume Ultra or DERMAFILL Global Xtra

Dehydrated lips with lack of volume

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]



The oval face+

Over time the skin is thinner and slack, fat tends to disappear, and facial contours are less clear: The face collapses and jowls appear.

[ Which DERMAFILL product (s) to use ? ]


DERMAFILL Volume Ultra to redraw a clear mandibular line and with a lifting effect.